Chapter 1 | Getting Started
Before starting the MOTAR Lab workshop, users will need to install Unity Hub and Unity Editor. They will also need to verify their MOTAR Studio account is provisioned correctly.
Before starting the MOTAR Lab workshop, users will need to install Unity Hub and Unity Editor. They will also need to verify their MOTAR Studio account is provisioned correctly.
Tutorial videos cover all the steps detailed below. For all those learners who would rather just watch a video, here you go!
1.1. To get started in this tutorial, users will need to install Unity Hub.
If the user already has Unity Hub installed, they can skip to section 1.1.2. of this tutorial.
1.1.1. INSTALL UNITY HUB by downloading the application from the link below. LAUNCH the APPLICATION once installed.
If prompted, users will need to READ and AGREE to the LICENSE AGREEMENT before installing.
Please note that downloading Unity Hub may take several minutes depending on the user’s network connection and system setup.
If prompted to Install Unity Editor throughout the installation process, CLICK SKIP INSTALLATION. This installation will be covered later in the tutorial.
If prompted to activate a license throughout the installation process, CLICK SKIP LICENSE ACTIVATION. This step will be covered later in the tutorial
1.1.2. In order to create their first project in Unity Hub, users will need to create a Unity ID (Unity account) and activate a license.
If the user already has a Unity ID, they can skip to section 1.1.3. of this tutorial. Upon launch of Unity Hub, users may be prompted to login or create an account. SELECT CREATE ACCOUNT. If not prompted upon launch, users should CLICK the ACCOUNT ICON in Unity Hub and SELECT CREATE ACCOUNT from the dropdown menu. The user will be redirected to the Unity website. Follow the website prompts to CREATE a UNITY ID. Once the Unity ID is created, SIGN IN to UNITY HUB. The user will be redirected to the Unity website to sign in.
1.1.3. To Install Unity Editor, SELECT the INSTALLS TAB on the left of the application. SELECT the INSTALL EDITOR button. On the Install Unity Editor modal, LOCATE the LATEST VERSION OF UNITY 2020.3 LTS (with Android Build Support). If the 2020.3.40f1 version is present on the Install Unity Editor proceed to Step If it is not present please see the additional steps below.
When this example was created, 2020.3.40f1 was the latest version of Unity 2020.3 LTS available for download. It is recommended for this tutorial to use/install the 2020.3.40f1 version of Unity.
If the user is on a Mac device, please note that the silicon version does not support all plugins that are supported by the Intel version. It is recommended to download both the silicon and Intel Editors (only one version can be run at a time). If the 2020.3.40f1 VERSION OF UNITY does not display in the INSTALL EDITOR,the user will need to CLICK on the ARCHIVE tab and CLICK the DOWNLOAD ARCHIVE link. This will bring the user to the Unity Download Archive page. From here the user will need to navigate to the UNITY 2020.X tab and locate the UNITY 2020.3.40 version. Once found, DOWNLOAD the correct type for either Windows or Mac depending on the user, then proceed to INSTALL the downloaded Unity Installer. From this point the user may proceed to Step as well as follow the instructions provided by the Unity Installer. Once found, CLICK INSTALL. On the install modal, VERIFY the CHECKBOX is SELECTED for ANDROID BUILD SUPPORT.
As an option for coding in Unity, MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO COMMUNITY 2019 (or VISUAL STUDIO FOR MAC if on a Mac device) can be checked when adding modules. Modules can be added later at any point as well. CLICK the CONTINUE button.
If users chose to install Visual Studio, they will receive a prompt to read and agree to the terms and conditions. If prompted, read and check the box before selecting the CONTINUE button. If prompted, READ and CHECK the BOX to agree to the Android SDK and NDK License terms and conditions. CLICK the INSTALL button.
Please note that the installation may take several minutes depending on the user's network connection and system setup. Users may proceed to the next step while installation is ongoing.
1.1.4. CLICK the ACCOUNT ICON in Unity Hub and SELECT MANAGE LICENSES from the dropdown menu.
If the user already has an active license, they can skip to section 1.2. of this tutorial.
Users will be provided a temporary serial number for use in MOTAR Lab, if desired. CLICK the ADD button. The user has the option to either get a free personal license or activate with the serial number provided for use in the tutorial (reference email sent by MOTAR to all workshop attendees). SELECT either LICENSE OPTION.
If the user has not yet received the temporary Unity license serial number, please reach out to for assistance. Thank you! Depending on the user’s choice in the previous step, follow the prompts to ACTIVATE a LICENSE.
1.2. Users will log in to MOTAR Studio to verify their account is provisioned correctly with the Studio organization.
1.2.1. LOG IN to MOTAR STUDIO via the link below.
1.2.2. SELECT SANDBOX from the MOTAR Studio menu bar. VERIFY APPS and USERS are listed on the dropdown menu.
1.2.3. SELECT APPS from the Sandbox dropdown menu. VERIFY the PAGE LOADS as shown in the image below.
If an error is flagged when trying to access the page (i.e. notification that the account has insufficient permissions), please reach out to or attend the Office Hours before MOTAR Lab. We will ensure the user's account is provisioned correctly!
1.2.4. SELECT USERS from the Sandbox dropdown menu. VERIFY the PAGE LOADS as shown in the image below.
If an error is flagged when trying to access the page (i.e. notification that the account has insufficient permissions), please reach out to or attend the Office Hours before MOTAR Lab. We will ensure the user's account is provisioned correctly!
While outside the scope of this tutorial, please be aware that Government users will have access to all MOTAR programs.
Contractor users will only have access to MOTAR Hub, MOTAR Studio, MOTAR Training Sandbox environment, and MOTAR Video.