How to Create or Modify Course Permissions
Course owners and course managers can set and modify course permissions to determine who can discover the course on MOTAR Hub.
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Course owners and course managers can set and modify course permissions to determine who can discover the course on MOTAR Hub.
Last updated
The steps below are only applicable to unpublished courses. For currently published courses, reference the MODIFY COURSE PERMISSIONS steps located further down on this page.
Course permissions can be managed by course owners and course managers.
To create course permissions, the course must be published. To do this, CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the PUBLISH option.
Additional information regarding publishing a course can be found at the link below.
The Permissions Wizard Modal will launch. CLICK the NEXT button.
SELECT the correct CLASSIFICATION for the course. CHECK the BOX to certify the course doesn't contain any classified information. Then CLICK the NEXT button.
CUI is not supported on
To assist with completing the Permissions Wizard, additional information regarding permissions can be found at the link below.
SELECT the applicable DISTRO STATEMENT for the course. Then CLICK the NEXT button.
SELECT either YES OR NO to indicate if the course content was approved for release to non-US military members. Then CLICK the NEXT button.
CHECK the BOX to certify the information is correct and ready to share. Then CLICK the COMPLETE button. The Permissions Wizard Modal will close.
Note that for course permissions, only DISCOVER will be shown as an option.
The course is now discoverable on MOTAR Hub by those granted permissions (individuals and/or studio groups).
Once permission has been set, the LOCK icon to the left of the PERMISSION link will change to a KEY icon.
Users may CLICK on the KEY icon to view the permissions wizard table and all set permissions.
The steps below are only applicable to published courses. Course permissions can be modified by course owners and course managers.
To begin, open the course in the MOTAR Training Courses environment. CLICK the PERMISSIONS link.
The Permissions Wizard Modal will launch. CLICK the NEXT button.
The Permissions Wizard will skip to the SUBMIT page. To modify permissions, SELECT the PLUS icon and SEARCH for the applicable individual(s) or studio group(s). CHECK the BOX to certify the information is correct and ready to share. Then CLICK the COMPLETE button. The Permissions Wizard Modal will close.
The course is now discoverable on MOTAR Hub by those granted permissions (individuals and/or studio groups).
Please note that in order to be discoverable on MOTAR Hub, permissions will need to be set for legacy courses that have already been published.