Permissions Wizard FAQ

An overview of all Permissions Wizard functionality available in MOTAR Services can be found at the link below:

About MOTAR Permissions Wizard

How do I add a Permissions to a listing or course?

Learn how to launch and use the Permissions Wizard to set permissions for content here.

Modify Remix for MOTAR - does this mean I am modifying the existing content and overwriting it, or will this create a new listing?

A new listing is created when a user remixes an asset from MOTAR and credits are included linking back to the original vendor/content. The original existing content is not changed or overwritten.

Distribute in MOTAR vs Use on MOTAR - does distribute mean I can use this content within content that I might publish?

Yes, if a user has distribute permissions in MOTAR, they are able to use the content within content that could be published on the MOTAR Platform. For more information on the types of distributions and permissions available visit the How to Use the Permissions Wizard page.

Is CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) data supported on MOTAR?

Yes, the Permissions Wizard supports setting classification levels on the classify page. Head over to Permissions Wizard CUI Content Management to learn more!