How to Use MOTAR Services
MOTAR features 10 enterprise services that work seamlessly across the platform. Open APIs/SDKs provide developers & creators the tools needed for their applications, assets, and training experiences.
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MOTAR features 10 enterprise services that work seamlessly across the platform. Open APIs/SDKs provide developers & creators the tools needed for their applications, assets, and training experiences.
Last updated
Users can connect and chat to one another and the Support Desk through private messages or in group chats.
Interact and communicate with other user groups and share assets to enhance collaborative efforts.
Securely sync MOTAR accounts with XR devices.
A central location for content created by a variety of developers.
Leaders and UTMs have the ability to see real-time status of training and performance reports for members within their Functional Organization.
Launch and discover applications, tools, and assets all from a centralized location.
Create, test, and distribute assets and applications using Low-code developer tools in a secure GovCloud storage environment.
A robust Learning Management System (LMS) linked to the platform's asset repository and XR capabilities.
Complete platform oversight including, moderation, user flagging, asset approval, and user permission control.