Studio | Features and How-To
Create, test, and distribute assets and applications using Low-code developer tools in a secure GovCloud storage environment.
Last updated
Create, test, and distribute assets and applications using Low-code developer tools in a secure GovCloud storage environment.
Last updated
When they visit the Studio service for the first time, the user will be shown a pop-up that walks them through the features within Studio. At any point the user can exit out of this tutorial window by CLICKING the X in the top right corner or skip the tutorial by CLICKING the SKIP button. The tutorial can be revisited by CLICKING the question mark icon in the top navigation bar and SELECTING the TUTORIALS FOR STUDIO.
Studio Groups are created by MOTAR Admins and managed from the MOTAR Studio Service homepage.
Use Studio tools to link your apps to the MOTAR Platform and leverage the SDK features. Apps can use Sandbox environment when in test and or Production environment when ready for discovery and download from the MOTAR Portal or Hub.
The MOTAR Sandbox is a MOTAR test environment used by MOTAR Studio users to test and debug application or training scenario that use the MOTAR Training scope.
MOTAR Studio Analytics provides the following data for each Studio Group.
To add and manage Plugins, the Studio Group must have plugin permissions enabled by a MOTAR Admin.